
warning: this library is a huge work in progress.

main TODOs:

MIME types: (robusta mime)

Exported values:

common functions: (robusta common)

Exported values:

urlencode, urldecode: (robusta encoding url)

Exported values:

b64 encoding, decoding: (robusta encoding base64)

Exported values:


{encoding,decoding} json: (robusta encoding json)

this loosely implements the ECMA-404 standard for json encoding and decoding

it WILL accept broken json, and decode it correctly or incorrectly depending on the mood, but it should decode proper json correctly.

features, not bugs, include, but are not limited to:

it can also encode json, where objects are defined like this: '((a . b) (c . d)), so a list with key-value pairs.

be warned that this implementation is really slow. like proper slow slow. i may fix that in the future, but for now it is what it is.


me me likey accumulators

Exported values:

s-expressions → html: (robusta encoding html)

this library was originally written for chai but development will continue here.

Exported values:

creating dispatchers: (robusta dispatcher)

Exported values:

http stuff: (robusta http)

you probably shouldn't use this library by itself. it's nicely packaged inside of (robusta dispatcher)

Exported values:

inneficient tsv dbms.: (robusta db tsv)

schema for open is:

  (col-name type-pred-function thing->string-function string->thing-function)

for example:

(define (self s) s)

`((uname      ,string? ,self           ,self)
  (passwd     ,string? ,self           ,self)
  (secret-num ,number? ,number->string ,string->number))

this library uses the opened db in-memory (via (owl variable)), and saves it only on (save) and (close) calls.

Exported values:

serving stuff: (robusta server)

this library implements a basic http server

Exported values:


simple hello server without dispatchers

(import (prefix (robusta server) robusta/))

  (lambda (r)
    (print r)
    (let ((send (cdr (assq 'send r))))
      (send 200 '((Content-type . "text/html")) "hello!"))))

simple server with dispatchers

(import (prefix (robusta server) robusta/))
(import (prefix (robusta dispatcher) robusta/))
(import (only (robusta server) ->string))

(define (index request)
  '((code . 200)
    (headers . ((Content-type . "text/html")))
    (content . "this is the index page")))

(define (about request)
  `((code . 200)
    (headers . ((Content-type . "text/html")))
    (content . ,(->string
                  (list "this is an about page<br>"
                        "your request: " request)))))

(define dispatcher (robusta/dispatcher
                     `(("/" . ,index)
                       ("/about" . ,about))))

(robusta/bind 8080 dispatcher)

using (robusta encoding json)

(import (prefix (robusta encoding json) json/))

(define json-string "[1, 2, [3], [[4]], [[[5]]], [[[[6]]]], 7]")
(define json-structure '((a . "10") (b . #f)))
(print (json/decode json-string)) ; → (1 2 (3) ((4)) (((5))) ((((6)))) 7)
(print (json/encode json-structure)) ; → {"a":"10","b":false}

using (robusta encoding html)

(import (prefix (robusta server) robusta/))
(import (prefix (robusta dispatcher) robusta/))
(import (prefix (robusta encoding html) html/))

(define (idx request)
  `((code . 200)
    (headers . ((Content-type . "text/html")))
    (content . ,(html/encode '(html (head) (body (p "this the only page")))))))

(robusta/bind 8080 (robusta/dispatcher `(("m/^.*$/" . ,idx))))

static pages with an index dispatcher

 (robusta server)
 (robusta dispatcher)
 (prefix (robusta encoding html) html/))

(define index-html
     (body "see the static pages" ((a (href . "static/")) "here")))))

(define dis (dispatcher
             `(("m/static(\\/.*)?/" . ,(λ (req) (static-dispatcher "static/" req)))
               ("m/\\/?/" . ,(λ (req) `((code . 200)
                                        (headers . ((Content-type . "text/html")))
                                        (content . ,index-html)))))))

(λ (_) (bind 8000 dis))

POST example

 (robusta server)
 (prefix (robusta dispatcher) D/)
 (prefix (robusta encoding html) html/))

(define dispatcher
   `(("/" . ,(λ (req)
               (let* ((M (cdr (assq 'method req)))
                      (n (if (eqv? M 'GET)
                             (string->number (cdr (assq 'n (cdr (assq 'post-data req))))))))
                 `((code . 200)
                   (headers . ((Content-type . "text/html")))
                    . ,(html/encode
                          (p "n: " ,n)
                          ((form (method . "POST"))
                           ((input (type . "hidden")
                                   (name . "n")
                                   (value . ,(number->string (+ n 1)))))
                           (button "+"))
                          ((form (method . "POST"))
                           ((input (type . "hidden")
                                   (name . "n")
                                   (value . ,(number->string (- n 1)))))
                           (button "-"))))))))))))

(λ (_) (bind 6969 dispatcher))

tsv database

 (prefix (robusta db tsv) tsv/)
 (prefix (owl sys) sys/))

(define (self s) s)
(define dbname "db.tsv")

(define schema
;;   col-name  type-pred  thing->string  string->thing
  `((uname      ,string? ,self           ,self)
    (passwd     ,string? ,self           ,self)
    (secret-num ,number? ,number->string ,string->number)))

(when (sys/file? dbname)
  (sys/unlink dbname))

;; th = tsv handle
(define th (tsv/open "db.tsv" schema))

(tsv/insert-into th '("admin" "zaq1@WSX" 10))
(tsv/insert-into th '("user0" "helloworld" 120))

(print (tsv/filter-by th (λ (u p s) (= s 120))))
(print (tsv/get-column th 'passwd))
(tsv/delete-from th (λ (u p s) (string-ci=? u "USER0")))
(print (tsv/get-all th))

(tsv/close th)

url encoding/decoding

(import (prefix (robusta encoding url) url/))

(define al '((a . b) (c . d) (e . 10) (f . "1") (g . #false)))

;; everything str'd as types get stripped
(print (string=? (str (url/decode-form (url/encode al))) (str al)))